Friday, August 29, 2014

Life with boys.

So let's just talk about life with boys for a minute. I have 3 and boy... Is it entertaining. There is farting and dirt among many other things. But my biggest peeve is the toliet seat. I mean come on 

Noah knows better. He always slams that lid like it's his job.... Why did he leave it open?!?!  Oh I'll tell you. That would be because he peed on the seat. 

Now let's get to the clothes in front of the toliet. I wonder if that's where the new place for the dirty laundry is??? I didn't get that memo. 

My proud momma moment?!::  tonight he asked me if he could help me clean the toliet bc it was dirty and he peed on the seat.  Sure they pee on the seat. Whatever. It's just pee. It cleans up and it's nothing bleach doesn't disinfect. 


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