Sunday, August 31, 2014

Snack idea for kids.

Yesterday we went to my oldest sons football scrimmage. This is year 2 with both little ones and normally I don't even sit down. Last year he played one season of baseball and one football this year two seasons of baseball and one football. Most games I'm by myself due to my husbands crazy work schedule... Which is hard but you know it is what it is!  I still don't miss them. Over the course of his years playing I've only missed I think 4-5 games. 

So anyways I have to get creative. Does anyone else find they have to get creative with food options to keep the kids entertained?  We 'picnic' so it's always on the go... But it's not fast food. It's healthy food I pack from home!!!  Thank you to Pinterest and some thoughtful ideas!  I seriously don't know what I would do without Pinterest. 

.98 tackle boxes from Walmart filled with snacks and then I label them. Not only are these great for games but also perfect for the diaper bag, grab and go!  

My version of a candy necklaces. Cheerios!  Sometimes I use fruit loops, and circle pretzels. Yeah not the best choices for cereal on that one but hey... Pick my battles. I'm not perfect. 


Friday, August 29, 2014

Life with boys.

So let's just talk about life with boys for a minute. I have 3 and boy... Is it entertaining. There is farting and dirt among many other things. But my biggest peeve is the toliet seat. I mean come on 

Noah knows better. He always slams that lid like it's his job.... Why did he leave it open?!?!  Oh I'll tell you. That would be because he peed on the seat. 

Now let's get to the clothes in front of the toliet. I wonder if that's where the new place for the dirty laundry is??? I didn't get that memo. 

My proud momma moment?!::  tonight he asked me if he could help me clean the toliet bc it was dirty and he peed on the seat.  Sure they pee on the seat. Whatever. It's just pee. It cleans up and it's nothing bleach doesn't disinfect. 


Day 2

Warning: Do not wake a sleeping beauty. Ha!

I made the mistake last night saying "Day 2 may be a struggle..." What I should have said "Day 2: I will wake up again at an early time" I won't succeed if I already have it in my head that I will fail.

I got this gem at 5:21am from one of my trusty partners. Jen.

Notice the angry cat? Yea...


Yea.. I didn't actually roll out of bed until 6am... shh.. don't tell Jen ;)

It was a long day filled with emotions, stress, work, people, lectures... I spent hours and hours and hours studying and completing modules. Today marks 1 week down of classes.

Today was also my oldest pre-k orientation, which I had to miss due to not being able to miss my morning lab without penalty. :(  Luckily my mother in law is supportive and was able to bring him. He always thinks it's special when he's with Grammie!

After coming home from the college I proceeded to do another hour of online modules. As much as I'd LOVE to keep going through them (insert sarcasm) I'm going to sign off, read with the kidlets, get them ready for bed, crack open an adult beverage with the husband and watch our current favorite show. (for inquiring minds: it's 24.. we are just starting season 5).

Hoping to build up our reader base, but for now.. if anyone out there is reading this.. 
Any other student mom's?? How are you surviving and managing? Any lucky full time student moms also working and taking care of multiple children? As stressful as it can be, you will get through it. I promise. Manage your time well, no point in cheating your way through and taking the easy way out. Remember you are doing this for YOU. Take the time to learn and absorb all you can.

My number one advice of getting through school is to have amazing support. 

If there are any mother's who have been entertaining the idea of going back to school. Do it! Do as much research as you can, figure out what you want to do, talk with as many people as you can, and apply. Have any questions for me? Just ask! 

So my goal for Day 3? Wake up at 5:30am to get some more studying in. Husband works this weekend and I'm working Sunday.. need to get it in at some point, right?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

My "Challenge"... Day 1

I have a new challenge... For my challenge.

I need to become not allergic to mornings..

I do not wake up well. I wake up exhausted. I wake up grumpy, I wake up wanting to lay in bed for hours... But I do get up. No one likes a starving kid, right?

My kids do not sleep through the night. My 4 year hasn't since birth. My 2 year old is starting to get "scary dreams" like her older brother. My 11 month old is hit or miss.. Could wake up once... Four times or sleep through the night!

My typical morning starts anywhere from 6am to 7:30am. We just never know! However, I want to willingly wake up at 5-5:15am every morning before the kids get up to either get a workout in or enjoy a peaceful cup of tea and do my homework... Maybe I could squeeze both in!? 

So last night I set my two trusty alarms. My phone and my husband. I told my husband if I was not awake and alert by the time he left for work he was to pick me up from bed and lay me on the kitchen floor! <--- he knows my morning mood all to well, I really do believe he was legitimately afraid to do that. 

I am going to slowly wake up earlier and earlier every morning. This morning I set my alarm for 5:28am.. I rolled out of bed by 5:45am.

I say: "Day 1 successful!"

Day 2 may be a struggle, but won't be if I get off (my electronics) and get some sleep! 

Now I bid you goodnight Xx


Cleaning house.

Well my friends... I have to brag about a clean house. I have in laws coming this weekend so yes I just cleaned the hell out of my house. I didn't take before pics because well I forgot. Not a lot of time between when the kidlets go to bed and when I finally fall down exhausted from my full time job and being super mom. Bahahahaha. So anyways.... Yep, a clean house. I happen to have an obsession with cleaning. I love clean. I love organized. I love 'just so'. I love that things have their places and homes and that they are always there every night and it's all in order so I can go to bed knowing everything is in it's place. Stupid to some.... But my mind doesn't shut off until it's complete. 

And then my disclaimer....  Don't go upstairs. 

Have a good night. 

Nikki's Story...

I’m a wife and mother to three beautiful children and one furbaby. I’m also a full time student double majoring in health science and nursing, and minoring in biology. I also work part time.. and I love working out.

My life is hectic. My life is crazy. My kids drive me insane. School stresses me out. Work puts me behind in household duties. And guess what? I love it! 

...You can always strive for the perfect picture

Why did we start this blog? Because life is not perfect, we as moms and wives certainly aren’t perfect. This is a real look behind the scenes. The good, the bad, the ugly, the LOUD, the messy, the stinky, the sticky, the love… you get the picture. 

Follow along as we journey through life..

...I swear my husband loves me.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Jen's story...

Just a little about me to start it off.... I have a lot to say and never enough time. My name is Jen. I'm happily head over heals in love with Chris who yes... Drives me nuts. No I'm not afraid to say it. We are normal. We fight, we bicker, he sleeps on the couch, most of the time because he snores something fierce but we are as normal as can be. We have 3 amazing boys. Cayden who is 13, Noah who is 4 and Rylee who is 18 months, and currently bouncing all over me which would explain any grammatical issues. 

As time goes on and this blog takes off the good the bad and the ugly will be shared. You will learn I'm honest up front and not even close to being fake. I live and breaThe perfection when it comes to my boys and strive to make every bit of their lives amazing. In saying that I also struggle. Being a parent isn't perfect. And that's why we chose to blog... Because we have so much to say and share hoping to help others. 

And now I must go clean the smashed crackers off the floor that Rylee just stepped on. 😳
